Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week Two

Classes started this week.  None of them seem like they will be too hard, but on Thursdays I'm in class from 9 a.m. to 6:45 p.m., which is not going to be fun.  At least I don't have class Fridays. 

Anyway, so some of the other people from the program and I went out for pintxos on Wednesday.  Pintxos are essentially the Basque version of tapas, but generally bigger and you pay for them separately from your drinks.  Also, they usually have bacon in them, because Spanish people love bacon more than they love their own families.  So we got to the cafe at like 9:00, but here everything actually closes at like 10.  We were still sitting around eating and talking or whatever when the cafe closed, so the waiter gave us all of his leftover pintxos for free.  Which was nice.  Bacony, but nice.

Other than that, nothing of note happened.  Here are some pictures I took just walking around Bilbao:

The view from the front of my dorm

The main building at Deusto and some palm trees

The estuary; Deusto is on the left, Guggenheim on the right

The Guggenheim being shiny

Overly ambitious graffiti?

Economy and Business building at Deusto

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